Monday, April 25, 2016

What is the relationship between economic development and social welfare policymaking? Does the economic principle of the government contradict with the welfare principle? What should be the role and position of social worker in policymaking?

Question 2:
What is the relationship between economic development and social welfare policymaking? Does the economic principle of the government contradict with the welfare principle? What should be the role and position of social worker in policymaking?

In the developed society, the social welfare system is one of the most crucial factors when detriment the overall quality of life of the community. People believe the more protection provided by the welfare system, the more stable life they have. However, some opponents argued that those resources should be used to boost up the economic development of the society. At which the debate between economic development and social welfare has been raising a controversy among different communities. In order to approach this controversial issue, this paper will use the real situation in Hong Kong in discovering the subordinated and interrelated relationship between economic development and social welfare policymaking, then explain the contradictive and cooperative relationship between economic and welfare principle, and finally explaining the researching, advocating and evaluating role and position of social worker in policymaking.

The relationship between economic development and social welfare policymaking should be interrelated and mutually affect. However, the situation in Hong Kong and some developing countries and society, the welfare policymaking looks like subordinated to economic development.

The first idea to be noted here is that the social welfare policymaking releases the adverse effects of the economic development (Chapin, 2014). It cannot be denied that the economic development provides the essential resources for the social welfare policymaking (Chapin, 2014). However, there are lots of people could not benefit from the development of our economic, namely: people suffer from disability, sickness and discrimination (Reisch, 2014). With protective social welfare policymaking, namely: the set-up of Statutory Minimum Wages, Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme(CSSA) and Poverty Line, the core protection of the disadvantaged group will be provided, at which can reduce the problem of inequality and social exclusion of disadvantaged groups. At the same time, if the economic are facing a big depression, the social welfare policymaking can maintain the overall quality of living and social order (Chapin, 2014). For example, due to the increasing number of impoverished citizens, the government of the United Kingdom introduced the English poor law in 1601 (Glicken, 2007). This policy aimed to provide necessary assistance for people suffering from unemployment and homeless etc. (Glicken, 2007). From the above examples explained that the social policymaking provides programs to balance the adverse effects of economic development and maintain the social order, preventing chaos and political movements. Therefore, the relationship between economic development and social welfare policy making is interrelated and mutually affecting.

However, from the perspective of Hong Kong economic development, the social welfare policymaking seems to be subordinated to economic development. Hong Kong is a developed society, which highly following the principle of Capitalism and Liberalism. The government of Hong Kong is adopting a non-intervention policy, trying to minimize the restriction and control of the market (Chau & Yu, 1999). Seemingly, the hidden assumption of the government might be that even there are some policies will affect the welfare system, the government might still uphold their well-known economic principle. From the example of The Link, we can approach this idea more clearly. Due to the 85,000 Policy implemented by Chief Executive Chee-Hwa Tung, the Housing Authority was facing a tremendous shortage of funding (Li Y. S., 2012). As a result, the Housing Authority was trying to privatize shopping malls of public housings. At that moment, there were lots of discussions of whether the public and welfare resources should be privatized or not. However, the government insisted its economic belief on the big market and small government, at which the government did not do any actions to protect the welfare of the citizens (Li Y. S., 2012). The privatized of the shopping mall was finally be implemented, causing the increasing living expenses on the citizens. From this example, we can understand that due to the government’s economic belief even it was found out problems of the implementation of the policy. The government might not against the policy, showing the subsidiary position of welfare policymaking.

Apart from the above explanation, the current residual approach to social welfare, proving that the social welfare policymaking is subordinated to economic development. There is two approach when formulating social policy –the institutional and residual approach. The first approach is focusing on universal programs, funded by taxation to provide basic needs for all citizens. (Chapin, 2014) In contrast to the institutional approach, the residual approach representing that government will only intervene when residents are unable adequately to sustain their basic living (Chapin, 2014). The belief behind this decision is to reduce the financial burden of the government in social welfare. Providing resources in particular welfare policy will hardly benefit the development of the economics of the community, namely: the universal retirement protection. When to compare to another social welfare, namely: education, medical service, the pension protection towards the elderly is not developmental. Implementing this welfare policy will not improve the economic development. Due to this reason, the Hong Kong government has hesitated when considering this welfare policymaking. From the government perspective, the sustainability of the policy is the primary concern (Yau, 2016). If the policy is run out of the budget, it is mainly the responsibility for the government to tackle the situation, who needs to be responsible to the major financial support towards the scheme (Yau, 2016). At which might affect the resources on the development of the economic. Therefore, from the government’s perspective, the economic development is far more important than the welfare policymaking, showing the subsidiary position of welfare policymaking.

When it comes to the question of whether the economic principle will contradict with the welfare principle. In general, people believe they are mutually exclusive due to the ideological differences. In the following part of the article, two ideological differences will be firstly discussed to show the hidden contradictions between two principles. Besides, the real example from the United States will use to explain the cooperative relationship between the two principles in reality.

Firstly, the principle of the economic focus on the competitive market, while the welfare principle concentrates on minimizing the extremes of competitive distribution (Segal, 2013). From the economic principle, the supply and demand should base on the competitive, if there are only limited services or products, for the person who can pay the most can enjoy the service or product (Segal, 2013). However, there are something services and products are necessary for every human. From the welfare principle, the competitive distribution will deprive people of accessing the basic needs, namely: housing and transportation. As a result, following the welfare principle, the distribution of resource should be controlled and not following the economic principle.  The public housing service in Hong Kong is one of the examples. Due to the poor living environment and increasing expense of housing, the government started to provide public housing service for citizens with low-income. From the news ‘‘Hong Kong most expensive housing market in the world for the sixth year in a row: survey classifies our homes as ‘least affordable’ ever’’, the writer suggested that it is hard for citizens to afford their house in Hong Kong, as the average flat prices are nineteen times of annual median income of its citizens (Li S. , 2016). Seemingly, it is even harder for low-income residents to find a house without the public housing service. When the economic principle focus on using competitive distribution, the welfare principle focus on balance the market, providing basic needs for people to against the competitive distribution. Therefore, there is a conflict of the ideology behind the economic and welfare principle.

Also, the economic principle is concerned with finding the least expensive way to produce the greatest outcome, while the welfare principle is concerned with the most appropriate to help the people in need with less calculation of the cost (Segal, 2013). When it comes to policy making, if applying the economic principle various quantitative indicators will be used in calculating the outcome and effectiveness of the policy, namely the increase in Gross Domestic Product(GDP). When it comes to the welfare principle, it is using the most suitable method to tackle the problem (Segal, 2013). For example, the youth unemployment problem causing the adverse effects on the society. If the government approach this issue from the economic principle, it will focus the number of employment opportunities been increased, and how many people can go back to the job market. However, from the welfare principle, it will further concentrate on the origin causes of this problem, namely: the lack of vocational and communicational skills. After identifying the reasons, some training will be provided to enhance their competitiveness. When following this principle, not only the government will calculate the number of employment being increasing, but also whether the job suitable for them or not. Owing to the ideological differences, the hidden contradiction of the two principle has been a debate for the general public.
Although there is a great difference between the ideology of the economic principle and welfare principle, they can be mutually cooperative to achieve a win-win situation. From the example of integrating mental illness patients into the mainstream society in the United States is the most successful example of balancing the economic and welfare principle. Throughout the history of western society, the mental illness patients are treated in mental hospital and social welfare institutions (Chapin, 2014). At which the causing a high social welfare burden of the state to support the daily operation of facilities (Chapin, 2014). At the same time, the government starts to reflect their welfare policymaking, considering its financial stainability and the social responsibility. It seems the government is trying to balance the interest of economic and welfare principle. Finally, after discussions between the economic sectors and social workers, the government was started to integrate people with mental illness into the society, by providing them basic trainings and employment opportunities (Chapin, 2014). The patients are now able to release their mental pressure and change their life by their job. In addition to the benefits of the individual on the welfare perspective, this policy also reduces the financial burden of the government in welfare policy. At which the government was able to decrease the number of pressure used in the social welfare perspective, achieving a highly efficient settlement system.

When it comes to the role of social worker in policymaking, it is common for us to identify three principal roles and position of them. The first role of social worker in policymaking is to conduct research of the concerned social issues (McInnis-Dittrich, 1994). As social workers are the one who engage in the social environment and interactive with people with various concerns (McInnis-Dittrich, 1994). After their interaction, it is much easier for social workers to identify the concerns of the general public and the disadvantaged groups. At which, this the first step of investigating social issues. An academic and formal research studies can be done by the social workers to increase the awareness of the public and the government (Zastrow, 2014). At the same time, if the local government is looking for solutions to tackle some social issues, the social workers might also be appointed to conduct studies. For example, the Hong Kong society is currently facing the aging problem. The local government is concerned about the future manpower supply and the formulation of the retirement protection. Therefore, the government appointed Nelson Chow Wing-sun, a social work professor at the University of Hong Kong, to conduct research on retirement security (Yau, 2016). This example helps us to prove that one of the roles of the social worker in policymaking is to carry out research of the concerned social issues.

Secondly, the social worker can work as an advocator role in policymaking (Zastrow, 2014). The idea of advocate was borrowed from the legal profession. When social workers identified some groups of citizens are in lack of assistances or the current resources are far less that the standard level, the advocate’s role may be appropriate for social workers. Under this role and position, social workers will collect information, argue for unappreciated policies and distribution of resources and challenge the government for the improper policymaking (Zastrow, 2014). This role is not going to contest the authority of the local government, but to voice out the needs and problems of some disadvantaged groups, to maintain the interest of citizens and preventing social exclusion among the society (Zastrow, 2014). The example of Ms. Fermi Wong (王惠芬) will be the suitable example for this ideas. She is one of the advocates of the right and justice of ethnic minorities in our community. Due to the limitations of the current policy, the ethnic minorities in Hong Kong are facing various problems, namely: the integrating difficulty, the cultural and communication barriers. In light of their problems, Ms. Fermi Wong did a lot of advocacy projects to protect their fundamental right and eradicate the racial discrimination among Hong Kong society.

The final role of the social worker to be noted here is the role of evaluating social welfare policy. The social welfare policy evaluation refers to ‘the critical and rigorous examination of a program’s operation and outcome with attention to the program goals and effects, intended or unintended' (Rutman, 1977). Through different scientific and systematically methods to compare the real situation and hypothetically statement about the policy. It can show whether this policy is adequate, effective or not, if there are any problems regarding the policy, it is the responsibility for social workers to change the system. For example, the eligibility to apply CSSA was increased from citizens who lived in Hong Kong for one year to seven years, to reduce the financial burden of the Hong Kong government (Ng, 2013). At which, it restricted the application qualification from Hong Kong resident to Hong Kong permanent resident, affecting the right of Ms. Kong Yun Ming(孔允明). She came to Hong Kong for a family reunion, but her husband died on the second day after she arrived Hong Kong. At which, she lacked financial supports for her living. Although she got the residency of Hong Kong, however, the social welfare department rejected her application for CSSA, due to the newly implemented policy (Ng, 2013). Some social workers were concerned about this issue, as the decision might affect the human right of Hong Kong citizens and causing the problem of social discrimination and exclusion. Ms. Sze Lai Shan(施麗珊) and another group of social workers started to evaluate the policy, considering the aims of the policy and the current situation. They believe the right to apply CSSA is the basic right stated in Basic Law, the limitation for the new immigrants is not fair. They tried to appeal this policy and finally, the judge ruled the government was in violation of the law. Showing that social workers might have role and position in evaluating the current policies, so as to identify and evaluate the limitations and problems of the policy, provide suggestions to the government or taking actions to against the policy.

In conclusion, this paper firstly discussed the subordinated, and inter-related relationship between economic development and social welfare policymaking; secondly explained the contradictive and cooperative relationship between economic and welfare principle; and finally revealing the researching, advocating and evaluating role and position of the social worker in policymaking. It is time for us to rethink and reflect the appropriate relationship between economic development and social welfare policymaking in our society. The government should take the lead to balance the economic and welfare principle while the social workers should take their initiative to be responsible for their role and position, so as to building up a greater society.


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