Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Difficulties of integrating into Hong Kong society –Taking actions to build up a harmonious society with ethnic minorities.

Difficulties of integrating into Hong Kong society –Taking actions to build up a harmonious society with ethnic minorities.

Thanks to Hong Kong’s historical background and immigration issue, it is a society combined with different races, religions and nationalities. With more than forty-five hundred thousand ethnic minorities living in Hong Kong, the deep-rooted problem of their integration has raised a significant amount of controversy (Census and Statistics Department, 2011). Ethnic minorities have various cultural background and living styles when comparing Hong Kong Chinese. This type of problems has caused a wide variety of misunderstanding and discrimination among ethnic minorities living in Hong Kong. According to research, almost half of the ethnic minority interviewees felt that they were discriminated as second-class citizens. Apart from that they also felt being discriminated against daily activities, namely: shopping and opening personal bank account (Department Social Work of The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), 2005). Seemingly, ethnic minorities in Hong Kong are facing three crucial issues, ranging from inadequate understanding of Hong Kong culture and social services, the discrimination from local citizens to insufficient mastery of Chinese language. Only if the government setting up various methods, namely: implementing comprehensive settlement support program and establishing mentorship program can this program be tackled in the foreseeable future.

It cannot be denied that the one of the crucial problems facing by ethnic minority immigrants is the inadequate understanding of Hong Kong culture and social service. As most of the ethnic immigrants were lived at Southeast Asian before they came to Hong Kong. Representing their cultural background and living style are different when to compare to local citizens. They celebrate their festivals and believes in different religions, at which the ethnic minorities are not able to experience and integrate into the mainstream local culture. Also, with the insufficient understanding towards social services, they are not able to seek assistances when facing problems. According to research, ninety percent out of 141 interviewees did not ask for help from the government and non-government organizations before (Caritas, 2010). The reason behind might because of unawareness of the service and lack of local connection. Those problems result in a slow integration of ethnic immigrant in our society, causing culturally exclusion and failure in building up their sense of belonging to our society.

Seemingly, the next problem to be noted here is the discrimination from local citizens. This issue can be separated into two perspectives –employment and daily discrimination. For employment discrimination, a survey shows that ethnic minorities felt that their ethnicity determines their job development and payments (Department Social Work of CUHK, 2005). From ethnic minorities’ personal experience, they will easily fail to get a job even they were more qualified than other competitors, at which the reason behind might related to racial discrimination. For daily discrimination, the same survey shows that racial discrimination most commonly happens in their daily activities including shopping and working. Taking workplace as an example, the ethnic employees are discriminated by their employers, at which they might have more duties but with fewer payments (Caritas, 2010). Those problems result in unequal among different racial, festering the unharmonious social phenomenon and racial discrimination.

    Apart from the problems of insufficient understanding of Hong Kong culture and discrimination from local citizens, the final problem to be noted here is the inadequate mastery of Chinese language. A report suggests that most of the South Asians found difficulties in learning Cantonese speaking for daily conversation. At the same time, South Asians students are not able to be familiar with the Chinese language, which is a crucial subject for further study in Hong Kong (Centre for Civil Society and Governance, 2011). Another report shows that the Chinese proficiency of ethnic minority students aged between 12 and 23 is almost the same level as the primary school one student (Oxfam, 2014). Due to their insufficient Chinese standard, the chance for pursuing higher education qualifications and future career development will be limited to ethnic minorities. At which will causing the problem of cross-generation poverty and widening the wealth gap among our society, because of the inadequate chance to complete for university education.
It cannot be denied that this is our responsibility to nurture an equal and harmonious society. It is hard to imagine how society is operating smoothly if the ethnic immigrants are failed in integrating to our community. Therefore, the following suggestions should be implemented by the Hong Kong government so as to tackling the problem from its roots.

Integrating ethnic immigrants in our society, the comprehensive settlement support program should provide by the government for ethnic minorities before they go into our community, to cope with the problem of inadequate understanding of Hong Kong culture and mastery of Chinese language. This idea is borrowed from South Korea Government, aiming to integrate North Korean refugees into their mainstream society. The government should operate institutions that provide housing and basic education for the immigrants for few weeks to few months. The training could mainly focus on language and cultural teaching. For the adult, vocational training, psychological counseling, social service briefing and career-aptitude test can also be included in the training (Cho and Kim, 2011). After the training, the institution should connect the ethnic immigrant to potential employers. The ethnic minorities will be empowered to sustain their life with own ability after engaging in the mainstream society (Cho and Kim, 2011). For students, more Chinese academic courses and after-school tutorial classes should be provided, so as to narrowing the Chinese learning gap between ethnic minorities’ students and local students. These suggestions are expected to equip ethnic minorities with enough understanding towards Hong Kong community. At which, this policy might reduce their pressure when facing a new living environment and increasing their integration and sense of belonging to our society.

Apart from the training, the government should implement the mentorship program for ethnic immigrants, to provide assistances when they are facing problems (Cho and Kim, 2011). It is suggested that the government should recruit some local citizens as their mentors, who are required to introduce Hong Kong and provide basic assistance to their mentees. By inviting residents to be their mentor, more chance will be provided for them to build up mutual understanding and trust, helping the immigrant to build up their local network and reduce the problem racial discrimination from the local citizen.

To sum up, it is time for us to rethink and reflect on ourselves that how an equal treatment is critical to our society. The government should take the lead to integrate ethnic minorities into our society, while we should take our initiative to accept and tolerance them, so as to leading a harmonious society with ethnic minorities.


Caritas Community Centre (2010). Survey on working condition of South Asians in Hong Kong. Retrieved April 9, 2016 from, Web site:  http://klncc.caritas.org.hk/private/document/633.pdf

Census and Statistics Department (2011). Thematic Report: Ethnic Minorities. Retrieved April 9, 2016 from Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Web site: http://www.census2011.gov.hk/pdf/EM.pdf
Centre for Civil Society and Governance, The University of Hong Kong (2011). Study on Racial Encounters and Discrimination Experienced by South Asians. EOC Research Reports, 1-6.
Cho, D. and Kim, Y. (2011). A study on settlement service for North Korean defectors. Journal of Korean Public Police and Security Studies, 8 (2), 25-50.

Department of Social Work (2005). Survey Results on Racial Discrimination in Hong Kong. Retrieved April 9, 2016 from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Social Work Web site: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpr/pressrelease/051028e.htm

Oxfam Hong Kong (2014). Survey on the Chinese Learning Challenges South Asian Ethnic Minority Kindergarten Students from Low-Income Families Face. Retrieved April 9, 2016 from, Web site: http://www.oxfam.org.hk/filemgr/2639/Oxfam_Surveyon_Dec2.pdf







基督教中國祭祖文化產生衝突的主要原因,在於基督教反對偶像崇拜。以下本文將會從兩方面解釋基督教反對偶像崇拜的原因及其理據。在《聖經》中記載,多次表明人類不能拜祭其他假及偶像,而當中《聖經》中的「十誡」最為大家所認識。 在「出埃及記》中記載,十誡中的第四及第五條均反對世人崇拜其他偶像,當中指出我們:「不可以為自己雕刻偶像、也不可以做甚麼形像,彷彿天上、和地下、水中的百物」[18],以及「不可跪拜那些像、也不可事奉他、因為我耶和華你的神是忌邪的、恨我的、我必追討他的罪、自父及子、直到三四代」。[19]以上的《聖經》經文及其他篇章均指出:是世界上唯一值得我們敬拜的真,因為是萬物的創造按照自己的模樣創造我們,賜予我們生命。但是根據《聖經》記載人類在歷史上多次違反對我們的命令和要求,例如摩西訂立十誡時人們在山下崇拜金牛。[20]人們崇拜其他偶像的主要原因,是因為人們沒有足夠的智慧,對的沒有足夠的信心。他們受到魔鬼的誘惑,帶領他們崇拜其他的偶像,令人們無法拉近與的關係。上帝摩西訂立十誡希望規範我們的生活,令我們做適當的事,不要受到撒但的誘惑,不會違反的命令,最終在天國得到的庇佑。

唐朝唐太宗時代,管治階層對國外的文化持開放態度, 包括景教在內的異族宗教相繼傳入中國,並且受到唐太宗的款待,令大秦景教通行唐朝。不過當時中國的祭祖文化仍然在發展階段,祭祀對象和內容十分多元化,但並非社會主流風氣 ,而且當時中國儒家思想尚未出現,因此對整體社會沒有很大的認受性和影響,故祭祖文化與景教之間的衝突不算明顯。[21]




首先在教會方面,本人認為教會應該採用利瑪竇調適法,對中國的祭祖行維持開放的態度,同情地理解傳統中國文化。第一:雖然基督教主張世界由所創造,而我們是的兒。但從中國人的角度出發,基督教並非源於中國,我們有自己的文化傳統,自己的祖先。教會雖然可以傳播他們相信的基督教的思想,但不應該否定傳統的中國文化精神的價值。例如道明會方濟會對祭祖問題上便因為偏見和執著以及文化及宗教的優越感,而否定中國的文化千百年來文明發展的精髓。[29]第二: 祭祖的原意是為了紀念和祭祀祖先,從而做到社教化的作用,令社會道德水平得以提升,做到「慎終追遠,民德歸厚」的效果。[30]部分宗教儀式及迷信行為是受後外來宗教文化的扭曲,例如加入道教的破地獄以及佛教的燒香行為,造成基督教修士所見的自然崇拜、亡靈崇拜和神祇崇拜等行為。[31]不過對於中國人而言,祭祖根本是一個公民禮儀,在大部分情況下只具有社會性的意義,是中國人的風俗習慣而並非宗教行為。[32]第三:基督教教會可以針對現時中國祭祖中的宗教行為對教友進行規範,不必反對整個祭祖傳統。部分祭祀祖先的行為,例如在清明節掃墓,及在重陽節登山記念祖先等行為,因為背後不涉及宗教元素,因此教會可以允許教友進行;相反,一些爭議課題,例如「做七」儀式、燒香、燒衣紙以及利用風水玄學尋找風水寶地建立墓地等等行為,則涉及玄學佛家、及道家宗教儀式,並且有賄賂鬼魂、亡靈以及靈界權勢等等問題,教會最應該提醒教友當中的問題,並表明教會不建議以上祭祖行為的立場。[33]因而,在信仰與行孝之間其實可取得平衡,故基督教教會應接納利瑪竇調適法,容許中國信徒進行祭祖。




1.        孔子,楊伯峻,楊逢彬註譯︰《論語》長沙︰岳麓書社,2000年。
2.        何誠斌︰《古詩精選》蘭州︰甘肅文化出版社,2002年。
3.        呂友仁,呂詠梅譯註︰《禮記全譯》貴陽︰貴州人民出版社,2009年。
4.        宗樹人、夏龍、魏克利︰《中國人的宗教生活》香港︰香港大學出版社,2014年。
5.        邢福增,梁家麟合著︰《中國祭祖問題》。香港 : 建道神學院基督敎與中國文化硏究中心,1997年。
6.        陳耀南︰《孝道・心》。香港︰基督敎文藝出版社,1999年。
7.        麥兆輝︰《尊天敬宗 當代華人基督徒對祭祖的回應》香港︰浸信會出版社有限公司,2008年。
8.        楊克勤︰《祭祖的迷思 修辭與跨文化詮釋的回應》香港︰基督教文藝出版社,1996年。
9.        賴德烈著,雷立柏等譯︰《基督教在華傳教史》香港︰道風書社,2009
10.     麥兆輝︰《忠考兩全 當代華人基督徒祭祖實用指引》。香港︰浸信會出版有限公司,2008年。
11.     鄺鋭強︰《倫理道德觀》香港︰香港教育圖書公司,2009年。

[1] 孔子,楊伯峻,楊逢彬註譯︰《論語》(長沙︰岳麓書社,2000年),頁9
[2] 鄺鋭強︰《倫理道德觀》(香港︰香港教育圖書公司,2009年),頁42-43
[3] 同前註,45
[4] 呂友仁,呂詠梅譯註︰《禮記全譯》(貴陽︰貴州人民出版社,2009年),頁665
[5] 鄺鋭強︰《倫理道德觀》,頁44-51
[6] 孔子,楊伯峻,楊逢彬註譯︰《論語》,頁4
[7] 麥兆輝︰《尊天敬宗 當代華人基督徒對祭祖的回應》(香港︰浸信會出版社有限公司,2008年),頁30-32
[8] 同前註,頁30-32
[9] 同前註,頁30-32
[10] 孔子,楊伯峻,楊逢彬註譯︰《論語》,頁57-58
[11] 同前註,頁30-32
[12] 鄺鋭強︰《倫理道德觀》,頁63
[13] 同前註,頁8-9
[14] 同前註,頁23
[15] 麥兆輝︰《尊天敬宗 當代華人基督徒對祭祖的回應》,頁76
[16] 宗樹人、夏龍、魏克利︰《中國人的宗教生活》(香港︰香港大學出版社,2014年),頁35-37
[17] 何誠斌︰《古詩精選》(蘭州︰甘肅文化出版社,2002年),頁22
[18] 楊克勤︰《祭祖的迷思 修辭與跨文化詮釋的回應》(香港︰基督教文藝出版社,1996年),頁35-41
[19] 同前註,頁35-41
[20] 同前註,頁35-41
[21] 麥兆輝︰《尊天敬宗 當代華人基督徒對祭祖的回應》頁91-105
[22] 同前註,頁108
[23]麥兆輝︰《尊天敬宗 當代華人基督徒對祭祖的回應》,頁108-115
[25]楊克勤︰《祭祖的迷思 修辭與跨文化詮釋的回應》,頁24-27
[27]麥兆輝︰《尊天敬宗 當代華人基督徒對祭祖的回應》,頁128-129
[29]麥兆輝︰《尊天敬宗 當代華人基督徒對祭祖的回應》,頁231
[33]麥兆輝︰《尊天敬宗 當代華人基督徒對祭祖的回應》,頁231
 麥兆輝︰《忠考兩全 當代華人基督徒祭祖實用指引》(香港︰浸信會出版有限公司,2008年),頁50-57