Sunday, October 18, 2015

Reflection paper: The theories of Animism and Magic and Religion and Personality

Reflection paper
The theories of Animism and Magic and Religion and Personality

Religion, as parts of human’s mental life, people from all corners of the globe are always questions about its origin and the efforts of human civilization, trying to find out the pattern of religion. In Eight theories of Religion, Daniel L. Pals explains eight foundational theories, after reading Animism and Magic by Edward Burnett Tylor and James George Frazer and Religion and Personality by Sigmund Freud, I have gotten a deeper understanding of the historical background, methodological orientation and general perspective of the two theories. In the following reflection paper, I will summarize the above theories and explain the application of theories in religious phenomena in the world.

A.      Animism and Magic by Edward Burnett Tylor and James George Frazer
(1)     Historical background
In the nineteenth century, when Charles Darwin first introduces the book Origin of Species, the theory of evolution by natural selection has been strongly affected the scholars in that period. Although there is a great contradiction between the content of the Bible, with the rational thinking this is being widely influenced in that period, Tylor and Frazer were also affected by it.

(2)     Methodological orientation
As mentioned above, the scholars are trying to use a scientific method in explaining phenomena in our society, Tylor tries to use anthropological approach and a combination approach with ethnography and ethnology to study religion. He also agrees with Friedrich Max Muller that the Key to understand religion is a language.[1]

(3)     General perspectives
This theory is examples of the reductionism approach of the study of religion. Explaining the origin of religion is streamed from the death and dreams, they believe that we are animated by a soul, or spiritual principle. The author also expand this concept to believe that there will be something call angel or evil, and ever the God, who controls the world.[2]

(4)     Key concepts of Animism and Magic
4.1 Similarity of cultural
Tylor believes that if we are using a scientific method to undergo research on culture, we can gather two regular patterns. They are (1) the principle of psychic unity, or uniformity, within the human race and (2) the pattern of intellectual evolution, or improvement, over time.[3] Tylor also insists that people living in different places have almost the same thought due to teaching or discovering the same ideas of themselves.

4.2 Primitive thinking
The primitive thinking is dominated my two different ideologies: religion and magic. Tylor and Frazer define religion as belief in spiritual beings,[4] as for magic, Frazer discovered two forms of magic: imitative and contagious.[5] When comparing magic and religion, they believe that religion seems to be rationalized than magic.

B.      Magic and Religion and Personality by Sigmund Freud
(1)     Historical background
Freud was affected by the idea of Origin of species and intellectual and social evolution. He believes that the natural causes and an outsider approach are the new trends of studying the religious phenomenon, due to objectiveness and persuasiveness than the explanation of traditional sculpture and insider approach.

(2)     Methodological orientation
Freud tries to use psychoanalysis to understand patients’ ideas and memories and use Oedipus complex to explain religion. As the Analysis of the psyche helps us to understand the innermost motives of human thought and action, not only the stresses of the individual personality , but also about the forces that drive and shape civilizations.[6]

(3)     General perspectives
Freud believes religion is an illusion, and he insists that there is a relationship between Oedipus complex and religion, because in the ancient time people were living in a primal horde, with a man, the father of many youngsters, controlling the entire hordes, some of the youngsters desired to have sexual relations with a woman, however all the women were owned by the powerful father, the sons can only fear and respect him. Finally a group of sons kills their father, but due to their conscience, they felt guilty and set up totem and taboo to restore and show the love of their father, and this is the start of religion.

(5)     Key concepts of Religion and Personality
5.1 Religion is an illusion
Freud mentioned that God like the character of father, giving human courage to face with death, the terrors and moral restrictions. God as a reminder and symbol of the dead father, however the concept of religious beliefs is erroneous and superstitions from Freud’s point of view, because the God do not exist in the real world, that only the illusion of human being.

5.2 The Human Mind
Freud considered that human’s mind operates on three levels, including: Conscious, Pre-conscious and Unconscious. Conscious refers to our normal thinking. Pre-conscious refers to memories that we are not aware, but can simply recall when we need them.[7] Finally, Unconscious refers to our basic physical need and a complicated assemblage of emotions, memories and ideas.[8] In some situation, there will be some images and emotions depressed from the conscious level to unconscious level, leading to some no rational form of expressing in the unconscious level.[9]

5.3 The Human Personality
From Freud’s point of view, there are three psyches of human being, including (1) Id show as a basic instincts, (2) Ego acts as a mediator and (3) Superego show as a moral voice of our heart.[10] Three of them are interconnected and having influences with others.

5.4 Oedipus Complex, Totem and Taboo
According to Freud, there are strong relationship between Oedipus complex, totem and taboo. The Oedipus complex is the main cause of religion, as a group of sons is looking for sexual relationship with their mother or other women, however the hordes are dominated by their respected and feared father, eventually sons kill their father so as to release their desire.[11] In the primeval murder, they experience the sense of joy, but they soon experience with guilt and remorse. Therefore, they have designed totem to represent and restore their father, as a “father substitute” and symbol, using it to remind their mistake.[12] They also set up taboo as a law to prevent the incident happen again.
(6)     How to apply two theories to religious phenomena in the world
6.1 The science of religion (For both theories)
In my point of view, after thinkers introduce the concept of natural religion in the eighteenth century, the Age of Enlightenment,[13] people tried to adopt a scientific approach in explaining religion, some of them used the approach of reductionism, which devises religion into different parts, and study them in a small parts base. As a scientific theorists Tylor, Frazer and Freud demonstrate a role model by using an objective and persuasive method to study religion phenomenon, removing all claims of miraculous events or supernatural revelation, foresting the academic study of religion.[14]

6.2 The location of religion in human’s civilization (Animism and Magic)
From Frazer’s point of view, they are three stages of human civilization, magic , religion and science, he insists that religion is an improvement of magic. In the Twenty-one century, our civilization already become much more mature, we are stepping into a science and the rationality stage of civilization, everything is explaining via a reasonable and rational ways, therefore science will replace religion. Religion, which might include superstition and emotions should be recognized as the junior form of human civilization.

6.3 Villain hitting in Hong Kong (Animism and Magic)

            In the Animism and Magic, Frazer explains two different forms of magic: imitative and contagious. From my point of view, the villain hitting in Hong Kong is an example of a contagious form of magic. As the villain hitting, try to use magic curse one's enemies, showing that people until now still believe that through contact with an object can have influence on a person, and there is a law behind the magic.

6.4 Ancestor worship in China (Religion and Personality)
            In my opinion, Oedipus complex can be used to explain the ancestor worship in china, as there are many similarities. We can imagine that there was a same killing incident happen in china, after the incident, sons felt guilty and set up totem to show their love of their father. Since then, people believe their ancestor can keep them in peace and bring them good luck, therefore they try to expand this worship to every ancestor, and try to simply the entire system, using name replace totem, it turns out to be the ancestor worship in china.


Pals, Daniel L. Eight Theories of Religion. New York: Oxford University Press 2006.

[1] Daniel L. Pals, Eight Theories of Religion (New York: Oxford University Press 2006), 21.
[2] Pals, Eight Theories of Religion, 27.
[3] Pals, Eight Theories of Religion, 22.
[4] Pals, Eight Theories of Religion, 26.
[5] Pals, Eight Theories of Religion, 36.
[6] Pals, Eight Theories of Religion, 53.
[7] Pals, Eight Theories of Religion, 57.
[8] Pals, Eight Theories of Religion, 57.
[9] Pals, Eight Theories of Religion, 58.
[10] Pals, Eight Theories of Religion, 60.
[11] Pals, Eight Theories of Religion, 67.
[12] Pals, Eight Theories of Religion, 67.
[13] Pals, Eight Theories of Religion, 7.
[14] Pals, Eight Theories of Religion, 45.

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